
How do Irish businesses harness leadership in a time of crisis?

Online chat platforms such as Zoom can reassure employees that their business continues to remain resilient
Online chat platforms such as Zoom can reassure employees that their business continues to remain resilient

LEADERSHIP has always been paramount to the success of business, be it in Ireland or elsewhere in the world, but never has that been more right then now.

This is a time when many business leaders feel like they are in uncharted waters and unclear about how their business is going to thrive - it is time to plan for the future and take stock of what made their business great in the first place.

To help business leaders across Ireland and Northern Ireland stay true to their brand purpose and to drive effective leadership in these uncertain times, I’ve listed down four factors that should be taken into consideration to help us all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 Clear communication:

Ensure all internal communications you are going to tell your business is from a credible source and share it with all of your team, with as much transparency and honesty as possible. This information needs to be reinforced on a regular basis with reviews and updates.Trust is essential in uncertain times and without open communication, employees can become isolated from what you are trying to achieve. To limit this, it is important to provide regular updates via email, social media and online chat platforms such as Zoom to reassure your employees that the business continues to remain resilient and that you are there to support them.

2 Handle processes and technology with ease:

If you are rolling out a new process or asking employees to use different technology, you need to make sure they understand exactly what to do and how to do it. Use a platform where you can share your screen, so that they feel more connected and at ease to collaborate ideas and work efficiently, just as if they were back in the office.

3 Drive motivation:

Share your direction. Remember you are the driver of your business, leading your employees through an unprecedented journey. Employees must understand the path you are taking to navigate through the crisis and their role and why it brings value to the business. This is best achieved through regular and clear communications, as mentioned earlier.

4 Invest in the future:

As the uncertainties continue to roll on, it is with no doubt that this will take its toll on profits and employee morale across Irish businesses. If you keep marketing activities running, stay true to your brand promise, identify the opportunities that could emerge for your organisation and continue to invest in your workforce.

History shows us that it will pay dividends.

:: Eileen Curry is chair of CIM Ireland