
Minerals firm Kilwaughter to invest £5m and create 30 jobs

The Kilwaughter operation in Larne
The Kilwaughter operation in Larne

LARNE-based Kilwaughter Minerals has revealed a significant investment programme to support long-term growth across the UK and Ireland, which includes creating 30 new roles within the fields of research, business development and IT.

Kilwaughter, which provides specialist products for the construction and agriculture sectors, is injecting £5 million into the business over a two-year period as it responds to what it has described as "the most positive market conditions in years".

In the year to last April the company, which currently employs 130 people, saw its turnover lift by 8 per cent to £30 million while bottom line profits lifted by 4 per cent to £6.1m.

Kilwaughter, which is more widely known for its specialist brands, K-Rend and Kilwaughter Lime, is seeking to capitalise on the UK’s reinvigorated housebuilding sector and Ireland’s agri-sector by investing in plant equipment and infrastructure,

Its managing director Simon McDowell said the company’s 78-year legacy as a local employer was a key factor in its continued investment in people and the Larne site.

“The roles required by the business today are very different than those needed in 1939 and as we move towards a culture of innovation and strive to meet our ambitious growth targets, good people are a number one priority,” he said.

“We’re also continuously looking at ways we can improve our customer service so capital investment in plant and systems will boost capacity, streamline deliveries and cement our position in our core markets as a leading manufacturer.

“We currently have a strong pipeline of work and with the help of a motivated workforce are confident of meeting all our customers’ needs. We believe there are always challenges and opportunities ahead and with a potential market upturn we look forward to a growth phase in the business”