
Prince's Trust survey points to concerning jobs front for young people

Research by the Prince's Trust shows that half of young people in the north feel the pressures of getting a job are greater than they were a year ago
Research by the Prince's Trust shows that half of young people in the north feel the pressures of getting a job are greater than they were a year ago

HALF of young people in the north feel the pressures of getting a job are greater than they were a year ago, research has shown.

The Prince’s Trust Macquarie Youth index surveyed 2,215 young people aged 16 to 25 in order to gauge their wellbeing and outlook for the future.

The study also found that more than a third of those surveyed said they don’t feel in control of their job prospects, with 37 per cent also worried that their living costs are going up faster than their salary.

Although nearly three-quarters of young people said they expect work for a living, almost half of those surveyed reported feeling that a lack of self-confidence was holds them back.

The Prince’s Trust runs a wide range of employability and personal development programmes to help vulnerable young people access the most appropriate care and the earliest opportunity.

Mark Dougan, Northern Ireland director of the charity, said the findings reinforced the importance of support for the younger generation.

"This report paints a deeply concerning picture of a generation who feel their ability to shape their own future is slipping away from them," he said.

"It’s shocking how many feel so desperate about their situation and vital that we empower them with the confidence and coping skills they need to succeed in life."

David Fass, chief executive of Macquarie Group in EMEA, who helped conduct the survey, stressed the importance of the survey.

"Macquarie is committed to investing in young people and we hope the findings of this years' index will help inform the development of the policy and programmes designed to address the issues facing young people today," he said.