
Welcome to the 'post-truth' era

Can Elon Musk be right - that we are, in fact, living in an artificially constructed virtual reality?
Can Elon Musk be right - that we are, in fact, living in an artificially constructed virtual reality?

IF you ever wanted any more convincing that we now live in the so-called 'post-truth era', then just take a look at what happened in America, where Donald Trump, the poster boy of post-truth, has been elected as President.

We all know that politicians can lie and bend truth. Up until now we have been largely shielded from this. With the likes of the ‘The Brexit Bunch’ led by Farage, and Trump, they aren’t even trying. The untruths and mis-information are so blatant it has become a circus that we are seemingly willing spectators for. Lapping up every single minute of the daily soap opera.

So why did people in Middle America vote for Trump, if they knew he was telling fibs? Well, seemingly because they don’t trust the current political system. Does that mean we are in fact 'post-post-truth'?

It does make me wonder if Elon Musk et al are right, that we are in fact living in an artificially constructed virtual reality.

On the other hand it’s the only reality that we know, however unreal it seems, and it is definitely causing concern for many people. How far does the web of deceit go? How can we be sure that our finances are safe?

The short answer is you have to trust. If we stop trusting people we slip into not only the ‘post truth’ era but also the ‘post trust’ era and the ultimate end game there will see more walls being built, not separating Mexico and the US but around every single person’s life.

Whilst it is tempting to barricade your doors, stuff all your money under the mattress and fill the cupboard with beans it’s not actually what you planned for your financial future is it? And despite the rhetoric, most of us aren’t quite living in a dystopian post-apocalyptic world, unless we are unfortunate enough to live in Aleppo, which is another topic altogether.

In post truth, trust becomes a more valuable commodity than ever. We trust that things will broadly work out okay. We trust that the man with his finger on the button won’t have a temper tantrum and get trigger happy and we trust that the cash machines will still be able to dispense when we need them to.

Working with a financial adviser has always been a trust-based relationship. Like all relationships, sometimes the grass can appear greener on the other side. Occasionally it is, but the reality is that by building a relationship that is focused on mutual trust and understanding your financial future can not only be safe and secure, but can also grow and mature. And let’s be honest, maturity hasn’t been a feature recently has it?

Yes, the markets are volatile, and yes, this will mean winners and losers. By putting your trust in a highly skilled and reputable financial adviser you are building a relationship that will serve you for a lifetime giving you one less thing to worry about in these ‘interesting’ times.

:: Darren McKeever ( is Northern Ireland adviser of Worldwide Financial Planning, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For a free, no obligation initial chat about your individual finances, call 028 6863 2692, email or click on Follow us on Twitter: @WorldwideFP.