
Weekend Q&A: Thomas Fullerton from Royal Television Society in Northern Ireland talks to Jane Hardy

Thomas Fullerton from Royal Television Society in Northern Ireland

How do you unwind at the weekend?

Film is my passion so it was totally amazing last weekend to see An Irish Goodbye pick up the Oscar for best short film, it’s incredibly inspiring for all of us who dream of making our own movies. I did film studies at Queen’s University and my ambition is to write my own films so I work freelance as an assistant director at the weekends.

What do you recall most about weekends growing up?

I certainly recall the fear-inducing anxiety of forgetting to do my maths homework, knowing fine well that a detention was waiting for me on Monday morning. I used to head to the cinema every weekend with my friends, family, or even by myself to see the latest films from across the world. I watched Pulp Fiction when I was wee and probably shouldn’t have. At high school I would often bunk off to sit in the cinema for two hours. These self-proclaimed ‘film classes’ taught me more than maths ever did. 

Do you have a must-watch TV show or Netflix?

HBO’s Succession and I can’t wait for the final season to start. Brian Cox is mesmerising, it’s one of the best performances since James Gandolfini in The Sopranos

Is there a must-listen weekend radio programme or podcast?

I always catch The Blindboy Podcast as I find his soothing, Limerick accent great escapism. The Blindboy Podcast is important to me as it helps promote positive mental health tips, is funny and most importantly, it’s supporting an independent artist.

Is Sunday still special?

Like many others, I’m sometimes a little worse for wear on a Sunday but it’s still a special day. I often have a few friends round to watch the football, reminiscing about the night before. As a lifelong supporter of Dundee FC, I’m used to my team disappointing me and often question why I support them. I like the way football brings me and my mates together and who doesn’t love laughing at your mate’s team?

Do you have a favourite eatery or is it a takeaway?

I’m a regular at Belfast’s Umi Falafel on Botanic. I’m a hummus addict, it does some of the best I’ve ever had and the falafel is to die for. I think I’ve easily spent half a mortgage there. It’s a great spot for a takeaway too, and near the Botanic Gardens.

How do you feel on Sunday night about Monday morning?

Monday mornings are usually a shock to the system, especially for creatives. It’s best just to get stuck in and work away, I think. Besides, as soon as Monday is over, it’s a day closer to the weekend. Rinse and repeat.

The winners of the 10th RTS NI awards in partnership with Northern Ireland Screen will be announced in Belfast on March 29.