
Weekend Q&A: Playwright Gina Donnelly

Gina Donnelly. Picture by Niall McAleer
Gina Donnelly. Picture by Niall McAleer

Gina Donnelly (26) is a freelance theatre worker and playwright who is taking the serious comedy Two Fingers Up she co-wrote with Seón Simpson to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August.

How do you unwind at the weekend?

I am actually quite strict about not working on Saturday and Sunday. I go to the QFT (Queen's Film Theatre) a lot. One of the best films I've seen recently is The Worst Person in the World about having a life crisis at 30 and making bad decisions in life. Weekends tend to be go to the cinema, go to the pub - that's The Northern Lights or Kelly's Cellars. On Friday after a rehearsal, it might be a beer at Kelly's or The Sunflower. In terms of relaxation and endorphin release, what's called 'me time' is a useful tool, and good for mental health. In the play we talk about women's engagement with their own sexuality and audiences say they find it liberating.

What do you recall about weekends growing up?

When I was a proper kid, my older sister Sarah and I would play on our bikes out on the street. I also have weird memories of watching Top Gear and Antiques Roadshow and eating pot roast which was a bit of an institution in the family. Whitehead wasn't the most exciting place to grow up. It's nice to visit now.

Do you have a must-listen weekend radio programme or podcast?

At the minute I'm really enjoying comedy podcasts like Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend. Bill Hader was great also Tiffany Haddish. The Americans I like often feature on Saturday Night Live and are improvisational. Comedy's collaborative.

Do you have a must-watch TV programme or Netflix?

My housemate and I are at the end of a rewatch of The Sopranos, which is really theatrical and so well done.

Is Sunday still special?

We weren't brought up with religion at all. In childhood I found Sunday frustrating as all the kids went to Sunday school and there was nobody to play with. It was a bit of a boring day but now I love Sundays. I go to lunch at The Errigle on the Ormeau Road.

Have you a favourite eatery or is it a takeaway?

In terms of takeaways, I often do Nico's pizza. It'd be the mushroom, black olives and chilli oil as I'm vegetarian. I used to love L'Etoile restaurant, now closed. Their spinach lasagne and deep fried Camembert were amazing.

How do you feel on Sunday evening about Monday morning?

I normally feel excited and haven't had any nerves since uni. I'm usually going into rehearsals for a show or writing or working with Seón. Every week is different and I've worked hard to break away from the nine to five.

:: Two Fingers Up plays at the Lyric Theatre (lyric.co.uk) on July 19-20 and at the Edinburgh International Festival (eif.co.uk) from August 3-28.

Jane Hardy