
Insult to our intelligence

THERESA Villiers, who is elected by no-one on this side of the Irish Sea, calls for a resolution to dealing with the past on the basis that the murderous dirty trick activities of the Brit state will be given an easy ride with the emphasis on the paramilitaries. In her contempt for the intelligence of Irish people, villiers appears to have conveniently forgotten who the handlers were that controlled many of the paramilitaries. By the time she has that one sorted she might well come to the conclusion the colony is past its sell by date.

In the event that MI5 can't help her with the many spies, touts and double agents on its pay roll, perhaps she could refer to the recent book Lethal Allies by Anne Cadwallader as a ready reference. It would give her some perspective of the magnitude of what she would have us believe were minor state transgressions.