
Plantation mindset

BRIAN Feeney 'Unionist minister same as 1968' (August 14) rightly reflects the content, visions, murderous reaction to people seeking civil rights - not a republic, just civil rights - by state forces and their sectarian allies from 1968.

So, what one asks, were the unionists about? Common sense in the 1960s would suggest that honesty, an appreciation that discrimination was wrong. But no. Why?

Mr Feeney is quite right when he cites the underwhelming response by unionist and Orange about the sectarian UVF-sponsored disorder in Belfast.

This is compounded by Ms Villiers almost nonsensical utterances that republicans back down.

And, you get, if you aren't blind, that the British are still in a plantation mindset. Unionist good, republicans mind your place. Is it any wonder that unionists elected or otherwise feel they can get away with murder?

ManUs McdaId

Derry cit