
Don't be fooled by Bible quotes

EMPLOyIng the now standard methodology of Christian sects of using the Bible as the supposed starting point of all truth "Irrefutable Reality" (August 5) claims "the simple and irrefutable reality is that god is the giver and taker of life".

It is neither a simple nor an irrefutable reality as, firstly, the issue of whether there is a god or not is an extremely complex one and secondly, as for being irrefutable, the current weight of scientific evidence clearly indicates the likelihood that all human life (indeed all life) is the result of an evolutionary process and not from the intervention of some numinous creator of whom there is not one shred of scientific or physical proof. the Bible is not evidence, nor indeed is it the word of god. It is a book written by numerous scribes many years after the death Jesus.

If religionists want to rely on faith that's fine but don't try and fool the rest of us with quotes from the bible.

D TreaCy

Templepatrick, Co Antrim