
Allies pause for 'knock-out blow'

VaST preparations for the allied onslaught on Nazi Germany are reported from the Moselle Valley where General Patton's Third US army is facing the lorraine approach to the Siegfried line. american mobile infantry have crossed the Moselle between Metz and Nancy while on the river's west bank Patton has assembled "the greatest collection of armour ever under one field command".

Shortly before midnight the German News agency announced: "German reconnaissance reports indicate that in the whole area the american are making preparations for a major offensive." with the crossing of the Moselle - the last natural barrier on which the Germans might have stood before the Siegfried line - there is evidence of a pause in the allies' dramatic dash through france and Belgium designed to build up power for a knock-out blow.

No peace overtures from Germany

No PeaCe approaches have yet been made to the allies by Germany. rumours have been rife for some days but it can be stated that there was absolutely no foundation for any of them. when overtures begin they can be made to only one man - General eisenhower as the Supreme Commander in the field - and he will accept nothing but unconditional surrender which will have to come from the German High Command.

Hitler will not be able to take any part in these moves because there is to be no repetition of the old story of the war that the politicians surrendered and the German army was never really defeated.

Soldier-chums' fate

THe death has taken place overseas of l-C David Humphries whose wife is Mrs elizabeth Humphries (nee Keenan) of Church Street, Newry. He was 28 years of age and the eldest son of Mr and Mrs walter Humphries of rhondda, South wales.

The death is also announced of a chum of l-C Humprhies in the person of l-C leonard Vincent whose wife, Mrs annie Vincent, resides at George's lane, Newry.

The two men not only occupied the same rank but were married on the same day, promoted on the same day and subsequently killed on the same day.

'Chevalier still alive'

ParIS MaUrICe Chevalier's manager believes that he is still alive. rumours, he says, of the star's death at the hands of the Maquis started from the execution three months ago of a small town mayor with the same name, according to associated Press.

Edited by Eamon Phoenix e.phoenix@irishnews.com