
William Caulfield: I had to do something when my suits were too tight

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week, comedian William Caulfield

Lurgan-born actor and comedian William Caulfield – drink three to four litres of water a day
Lurgan-born actor and comedian William Caulfield – drink three to four litres of water a day

1 Up and at it – what is your morning routine?

My routine varies, depending on whether I was working the night before and home late. If so, I will be later getting up but, typically, it will be around 9am. I’ll Check my phone for emails and texts and look at Instagram and Facebook. Then the dogs will be asking to be let out and, after that, I’ll have a shower and get dressed.

2 What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? My favourite is porridge with added protein powder, some frozen berries and cinnamon sprinkled on top. If I don’t have that, it might be turkey rashers and scrambled eggs.

Lunch? Pitta pocket with some chicken or tuna and lots of green salad.

Evening meal? This could be chicken, steak or any other good source of protein, such as fish, eaten with baked potato or sweet potatoes and green vegetables. I will keep an eye on the portion size – it’s very easy to eat too much.

3 Is nutrition important to you?

Yes it’s very important. This last year I’ve started making sure that my protein quantities are increased, so I add protein powder to my porridge and to a Greek yoghurt which I often have as dessert in the evening.

4 Best meal ever?

This is a hard question... a good one was during my annual boating trip these last two summers, down the Shannon-Erne waterway. We stopped off at the Angler's Rest in Ballyshannon and I had one of their fabulous rib-eye steaks and didn't worry about portion sizes for once.

5 Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Well, when I am on board one of the many cruise ships I work on, I’m tempted every day with their Victoria Sponge. I do indulge, but limit it to once only.

6 Have you ever been on a diet? If so, how did it go?

I’ve found that diets don’t work for me, but in the last year I have lost nearly three stone – but not on a ‘diet’ as such, more a change in lifestyle and a better understanding of food and exercise. I cut out the chocolate bars and colas and started to cook meals from scratch. I have a week's worth of dinners pre-prepared, so I’m never tempted with a carry-out from the chippy. Don’t get me wrong, though – occasionally, as a treat, I will have something from the local Chinese.

7 Do you take health supplements?

Yes, protein powder.

8 How do you relax?

I find it hard to switch off as I’m constantly looking for new ideas and material for shows, but I enjoy reading a good murder mystery. Anything that takes me from reality is relaxing for me.

9 Teetotal or tipple?

Teetotal. I never felt the need or desire to have alcohol. I did try it, but never liked the taste of it. Plus, if I’m honest, I would not like the fact that to be drunk I would not be in total control. Alcohol and its effects are not for me.

10 Stairs or lift?

Stairs for definite if I’m going down. I’ll also use them going up, providing it’s not any more than 20 flights.

11 Do you have a daily exercise regime?

I tend to go to the gym every day now and do weights. I target a different body part each day. Occasionally, I’ll finish with a swim.

12 Best tip for everyday fitness?

I’ll happily recommend drinking three to four litres of water each day and move more.

13 On a scale of one to 10, how fit do you think you are and how fit would you like to be?

I’d say I'm a six or a seven, but as my outlook on fitness is ever ongoing, I’m aiming for a 10.

14 Have you tried, or would you try, alternative therapy? My father was both a great believer in and practitioner of homeopathy and it certainly did work for me years ago when I had the shingles. I have respect for it.

15 Were school sports happy times or do you have a memory you would rather forget?

I was not really into sports at school. I’m an F1 fan and, unfortunately, at school that doesn't exist.

16 Did you ever have a health epiphany which made you change your lifestyle?

Yes, it was when I realised that my suits were getting too tight. Something had to be done, so I decided what was needed was a complete change in lifestyle. I knew that that has to start in the mind first. Get mindset right, body will follow.

17 Best health/lifestyle advice you were ever given and would pass on to others?

Drink water and lots of it. It’s often only thirst that you are experiencing when you think it’s hunger. Hydration is so important for the body and flushes away all the toxins.

18 Who inspires you or who would you try to emulate in terms of fitness / attitude to life?

I follow many lifestyle and fitness trainers on Instagram and pick up tips and ideas from them.

19 What time do you normally get to bed and do you get enough sleep?

It can be as late as 1am, but I still try to get seven or eight hours' sleep.

20 Would you say you have a healthy attitude towards your own mortality?

Yes. I’m aware of the certainty of it and am fully prepared.