
Don't Tell the Bride features 1916 Rising-themed same-sex marriage

Kerwin Villabolos and Mark White tie the knot in RTE's 1916-themed 'Don't Tell the Bride'. Picture: RTE
Kerwin Villabolos and Mark White tie the knot in RTE's 1916-themed 'Don't Tell the Bride'. Picture: RTE

THE first ever same-sex marriage - 1916-themed - will be broadcast on RTE popular reality TV show, 'Don't Tell the Bride' this Thursday evening.

Mark White and his Venezuelan-born partner Kerwin Villabolos will be seen tying the knot after wanting to wed since same-sex marriage became legal in the Republic following the country's landmark referendum in May last year.

The couple celebrated their relationship with a civil partnership in 2014 after they met four years ago in the now-defunct gay bar 'The Dragon' on Dublin's George's Street, but have been eager to get married.

"Civil partnership was amazing," Mark said. "It made us a unit but I think marriage offers so much more."

Kerwin added: "This is the real thing, we are as one."

Like most partners in 'Don't Tell The Bride', they have very different opinions of what they want their wedding to be like - especially the theme.

Mark wants a 1916-themed wedding while Kerwin would prefer a "white, modern, sleek and classy" ceremony.

Viewers can tune in and see all the reactions tonight at 9.30pm on RTE.