Northern Ireland

Coronavirus: Six further deaths and 449 new cases in Northern Ireland

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;; ">401 people with Covid-19 are in hospitals across Northern Ireland</span>
401 people with Covid-19 are in hospitals across Northern Ireland

Another six people have died with Covid-19, the Department of Health has said.

Another 449 people tested positive.

A total of 2,752 were diagnosed over the last seven days.

There has now been 1,032 COVID-19 related deaths in Northern Ireland according to the department.

This number mainly covers hospital related deaths unlike the figures released by Nisra today which said 1,410 people had died in connection with Covid-19 - 68 of these happened from 21st - 27th November.

Nisra uses information based on death certificates whereas the Department of Health only records people who die after testing positive for the virus.

401 people with Covid-19 are in hospitals across Northern Ireland with 35 of these being in intensive care beds and 24 on ventilators.

Department of Health data shows the north's hospital bed occupancy is at 100 per cent, with four hospitals - Altnagelvin, the Royal Victoria, South West Acute and Ulster - operating beyond capacity.

Coronavirus: Six further deaths and 449 new cases in Northern Ireland

The Department of Health data also showed 114 care homes here now have confirmed outbreaks of the virus.

Earlier today, Health Minister Robin Swann confirmed the first batch of Covid-19 vaccines has arrived in Northern Ireland with jabs to begin next week.