Northern Ireland

Belfast City Council and Co-operation Ireland nurture next generation of leaders

A project to develop the next generation of leaders in Belfast has been launched by the city council and peace-building charity Co-operation Ireland.  

Young Advocates will see more than 80 young leaders and 800 of their peers given a say at the heart of local government over the next three years.

The EU Peace IV funded programme aims to build skills, confidence and cross-community relations as well as give young people a chance to lobby on social issues of importance to them.

SDLP councillor Tim Attwood, vice-chair of Belfast City Council’s Shared City Partnership, said: "These young people working on a cross-community basis will break down barriers and help us realise the vision that Belfast is welcoming, safe, fair and inclusive for all now and in the future."

The programme has been devised for 16-24 year-olds and Co-operation Ireland are lead partners.

Chief executive Peter Sheridan said: “Giving young people a voice helps to reduce marginalisation which has benefits for society as a whole. Through learning skills and gaining confidence in talking to elected representatives it is our belief that we will be helping to mould the city leaders of the future."

Gina McIntyre of the Special EU Programmes Body said: “Due to the history of division within our society, many of our young people have not been given the opportunity to mix with and learn about other young people from different communities and cultures.

"This project will not only give them that opportunity but will also help build up their confidence levels so that they can clearly articulate issues of importance to them to the council and its officials."

Matched funding has also been provided by Stormont's Executive Office and the Department of Rural and Community Affairs in the Republic.