Northern Ireland

Belfast Zoo celebrates birth of Gilbert the giraffe

Belfast Zoo is celebrating the arrival of an endangered Rothschild's giraffe calf Gilbert who was born on Sunday May 7 to parents Daisy and Finn 
Belfast Zoo is celebrating the arrival of an endangered Rothschild's giraffe calf Gilbert who was born on Sunday May 7 to parents Daisy and Finn 

Belfast Zoo has revealed a new baby giraffe that has been delighting visitors after his birth earlier this month.

Gilbert is an endangered Rothschild giraffe born to mother, Daisy and father, Finn, on Sunday May 7 after a 15 month pregnancy

The zoo has introduced the calf to visitors ahead of World Endangered Species Day on Friday May 19.

Zoo curator, Raymond Robinson, said: “Keepers noticed signs of labour and were onsite when Daisy gave birth on Sunday evening.

"The calf and mum have been spending some time inside together to bond but are now starting to venture outside with the rest of the herd.

"Giraffes give birth standing up and the front feet are delivered first, followed by the head, neck and shoulders. The calf falls more than five feet to the ground which doesn’t hurt but does cause the calf to take its first big breath. 

"The calf is five to six feet in height at birth, learns to stand within 30 minutes and can run just 10 hours after birth!”

Visitors can see Gilbert and his herd at Belfast Zoo every day from 10am.  Last admission is at 5pm, animal houses close at 6pm and the zoo closes at 7pm. 

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