
Latest figures show growth in savers' nest eggs

New research from Halifax has found that at £770 on average, savers managed to put away 13 per cent more money between November 2013 and January 2014 than during the same months a year earlier.

This shows we're very determined to build up our nest eggs - but the same research also found that the typical amount that was unexpectedly taken out of savings pots increased by over one-third year-on-year.

An average of £1,539 has been "raided" from savings pots in the last three months.

Richard Fearon, head of Halifax Savings, says: "It can be extremely hard to establish, and stick to, a savings habit, particularly at expensive times of the year or when it's tempting to treat yourself to something to cheer up the gloomy winter months. "By being realistic about what you're able to save and setting yourself savings goals it can make saving easier. "If you can identify the most common reasons you dip into your savings, you can putting money away for these things in advance and avoid being caught out by what seem like unexpected costs." Halifax found the top goals people are saving for are a "rainy day", a holiday, for retirement, a deposit for a house or a car.

The main reasons people dipped into their savings were for an emergency home or car repair, a holiday, because they'd overspent on their current account, an impulse gift or to lend to family and friends.