
Neeson in campaign against child abuse

ACTOR Liam Neeson is highlighting violence against children in a video for a Unicef initiative on what he says is a largely "in-visible" global scourge.

The video shows scenes that hint at a child's suffering - a fallen bicycle in an alleyway, a broken glass in a kitchen.

Neeson, from Ballymena, Co Antrim, says in the video: "This is a 15-year-old girl being gang-raped... And here a toddler is being hit by his mother for breaking a glass."

Schindler's List star Neeson (61) is the goodwill ambassador for the United Nations' children's agency.

Unicef said its initiative "builds on growing popular outrage" over the fatal shooting of 26 children and teaching staff in Newtown, Connecticut, the 2012 shooting of 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan and the gang rape of girls in India and South Africa.