
In my view... The hidden risks of our epidemic of tattoos

If you’re getting a tattoo, check that hygiene standards are being observed
If you’re getting a tattoo, check that hygiene standards are being observed If you’re getting a tattoo, check that hygiene standards are being observed

THERE'S something of an epidemic of tattoos sweeping the country, among people of all ages: I think I’m the only one at my gym who doesn’t have one.

My worry is the risk of infections, given that the technique involves penetrating the skin with needles, with particular concern about hepatitis B and hepatitis C. This is not, I agree, a significant problem. But this kind of transmission does happen.

Recently it was reported that 21 people had been infected with monkeypox in a tattoo parlour in Spain — nine of those infected were under the age of 18. When investigators tested the premises, traces of the virus were found on chairs, work surfaces and equipment.

While in the UK every tattoo artist must be licensed by their local council, regular inspection of equipment and premises is not mandatory. Sterilisation of equipment between clients is encouraged, and the use of disposable needles is essential. This all helps client protection. So if you’re planning on getting a tattoo, check that these standards are observed.

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