
Producer and choreographer Fleur Mellor: I love a good soak in the tub with a nice cold beer

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Belfast theatre producer and choreographer, Fleur Mellor


Up and at it - what is your morning routine? Has it changed?

I'm a night owl and mornings are always a bit painful for me – this hasn't changed. A cup of tea is the first order of the day and then I'm usually into my emails and checking my schedule.


What might you eat in a typical working day for...Breakfast?

I'm a big fan of a croissant or bagel with cheese and definitely another cup of tea.


I do love a hot lunch, but I prefer a proper meal and then a lighter dinner.

Evening meal?

As I am often working at an event, I prefer a lighter evening meal but, having said that, I have a soft spot for pasta. I love Italian food.


Is nutrition important to you?

In the sense that I prefer to eat 'proper' good food, yes. I don't like any diet alternatives or low-fat options. I'd much rather have real butter and cream and just eat it sensibly. I'm lucky in some ways in that I have a fast metabolism, so I do need to eat regularly to keep my energy from dipping. That encourages a more balanced diet and eating patterns, although sometimes that's difficult to maintain.


Have you been able to work from home - if so, how have you found it?

Yes, I work mostly from home - we have a great home office in a beautiful area, so I can enjoy taking breaks outdoors when I need them. Connecting to outside spaces is something that we all need and that was the appeal of 'Green Space Dark Skies'. Bringing hundreds of people together in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and helping them find new ways to appreciate it through movement is an exciting prospect. As part of the project, participants - called Lumenators - will carry a low impact light into the landscape and come together to create large scale artworks, celebrate nature and everyone's right to explore the countryside.


Weekend treat?

A day off. I'm usually working weekends, so I actually like to enjoy a day off in the week instead if I can - at least that way you aren't fighting the crowds. I love mooching through markets or little vintage shops. I get a thrill from poking around in piles of junk and finding a little treasure.


How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

Rehearsals keep me pretty fit - I feel like I hardly sit down some days. Mentally, I love to read. I'm a speed reader, so devour books at the speed of light.


Have you ever been on a diet - if so, how did it go?

No, I haven't, they all seem like way too much discipline.


How do you relax?

I've just had my bathroom decorated and for the first time in about six years, I have a bath. I love a good soak in the tub with a nice cold beer.


Teetotal or tipple?

Definitely, tipple. I'm a big fan of a gin and tonic or, if I'm out - and someone's getting the cocktails in - then a Cosmopolitan is a winner.


What book are you currently reading?

I've just started The Handmaid's Tale. I'm interested to see which way the books go as I've heard the series goes in another direction.


Best Netflix?

There are so many. I love sci-fi, so find myself going back and rewatching films I've watched over and over.


Most surprising thing you've learned about yourself?

That I'm even more resilient than I thought and I know I can be strong. Balancing schedules and work as a freelancer has always been a challenge but with the pandemic schedules have been thrown up in the air, chewed up, spat out, buried and re-created again. That's been hard, but it's helped me to become even better at rolling with the changes - calmly.


What are your goals for 2022?

To tackle the garden. I really want to get loads of wildflower beds going because they look so pretty, are easy to maintain and are supposed to be good for the ecosystem.


What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

I usually get to bed late because that's when my brain starts buzzing with new ideas and thoughts, so I probably don't get enough sleep. I'm a good 'power napper', though, which is a skill I developed in dance college when I was training - it helps when I'm really busy.


Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from school days that you would rather forget?

I was never very sporty - I was skinny and weedy as a little girl, so I found sports really hard. I was always falling over and skinning my knees or bashing my head, so I wasn't very successful. I did end up vice captain of the girls' B football team though, which I was pretty proud of seeing as I was fairly rubbish.


Biggest gripe?

I don't like people being treated unfairly or not being looked after properly.


Stairs or lift?

How high up am I? Depends... I'd go 50/50.


Any new skills or hobbies?

I took up cross stitch during lockdown. I find it relaxing but only managed two cushion covers. I also started bookbinding and making notebooks for my friends to let them know I was thinking about them.


What would you like to see change for good when this is all over?

People's tolerance and kindness towards others.


Has coronavirus changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

No, I can't say it has. As a humanist I don't believe in there being something after I die, so I try to do my best with the time that I have.

Fleur Mellor is movement director for the Green Space Dark Skies event at Lagan Valley AONB, developed by outdoor art experts, Walk the Plank, as part of Unboxed: Creativity in the UK. The first event takes place on Saturday (April 30), followed by Sperrin AONB (June 25) and Causeway Coast AONB (July 2). Details at