
Advent: Living in joy and beyond happiness

In their third Advent reflection, Brendan McManus SJ and Jim Deeds, authors of Finding God in the Mess, challenge us to live lives of joy

Joy Street shouldn't be confused with the Happiness Highway
Joy Street shouldn't be confused with the Happiness Highway Joy Street shouldn't be confused with the Happiness Highway

JOY and happiness are two different things, although they are obviously related.

There are things in our lives we feel happy doing or experiencing. For example, watching a good movie makes us feel happy for the time we're watching it. Happiness is very much in the moment, and it can be good.

But joy is a different thing. Joy is a deeper sense than happiness. We feel happy watching a film, but feel joy when we see a good friend whom we haven't seen for a while. Joy is different.

Having that extra glass of wine, or that bigger slice of cake, might make us happy in the moment, but the next day - or sooner - we may be left feeling that it may not have been such a good idea.

Joy is different here, too. The things that give us joy do not come with the sense that they might not be a good thing.

The things that make us joyful are the things that make us whole, or make us grow, or show us that life is good and precious.

Joy takes many faces - Sister Elaine and Sister Martina of the Adoration Sisters ahead of their First Profession in September. Picture by Hugh Russell.
Joy takes many faces - Sister Elaine and Sister Martina of the Adoration Sisters ahead of their First Profession in September. Picture by Hugh Russell. Joy takes many faces - Sister Elaine and Sister Martina of the Adoration Sisters ahead of their First Profession in September. Picture by Hugh Russell.

Going swimming or taking other exercise may make us feel tremendously happy. But reflecting on the fact that we have the ability and opportunity to do this may fill us with a sense of joy and thankfulness. So, happy in the moment, joyful after the moment.

Then there are things in life that might not make us very happy in the moment but leave us with joy.

The things that make us joyful are the things that make us whole, or make us grow, or show us that life is good and precious

We think here of making a sacrifice for someone. In the moment, we might feel aggrieved or put out.

After the fact, reflecting on the sacrifice we've made, we might feel joy at having done a good thing or the right thing.

To live lives of joy is not to depend on happiness or temporary experiences. It is to seek out the better path and walk it.

It is to see the good and the better in all people and to love them. It is to know that we too are loved, held, cherished and special.

Reflection questions

1. What makes you happy?

2. What makes you joyful?

3. How can you live more in joy?

Finding God in the Mess - Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus SJ is published by Messenger Publications
Finding God in the Mess - Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus SJ is published by Messenger Publications Finding God in the Mess - Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus SJ is published by Messenger Publications
  • Finding God in the Mess - Meditations for Mindful Living by Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus SJ is published by Messenger Publications. For more information, or to order a copy, click here.
  • Next week: Converting violence: Play a new tune this Christmas