
Helping Belfast turn a corner - or four

Aralyn Wilson at the launch of the 4 Corners Festival which runs in Belfast until February 7. Picture by Mal McCann
Aralyn Wilson at the launch of the 4 Corners Festival which runs in Belfast until February 7. Picture by Mal McCann

THE 4 Corners Festival concludes on Sunday, but there are still plenty of events to catch up with which will challenge your preconceptions, coax you into different parts of Belfast and let you listen to new ideas.

The aim of the festival, now in its fourth year, is to encourage people to venture beyond their own 'safe space' or 'corner' of Belfast and to share together.

The theme of this year's festival is 'the art of listening', with each event designed to help people hear what others have to say about how Belfast can be changed.

Here are five events to catch before the 2016 festival closes.

1. Stormont House Rules

Thursday February 4, 7.30pm, Duncairn Centre

A heated play-dialogue about 1916 from acclaimed playwright Philip Orr.

Stormont House Rules is a companion piece to his other play about 1916, Halfway House, which featured in the Irish News on January 21 - look it up at

2. Let Them Speak - Listening to our Young Leaders

Friday February 5, 11am, Ulster University

A gathering of students from Belfast schools talk about what they think of the city and its future.

This is an invitation-only event, but one which is typical of the 4 Corners emphasis on giving young people a voice.

As Fr Martin Magill, one of the festival organisers, puts it: "I don't accept the line 'young people are our future'.

I say, 'No they're not - they're our present'."

3. Listening to the City

Saturday February 6, 2.30pm, Girdwood Community Hub

Belfast is a fascinating city to walk, and its streets have much to tell us. Artists share how they have listened to and been inspired by Belfast's 'psychogeography'.

4. Songs of the City

Saturday February 6, 7.30pm, Duncairn Centre

A night of songs about Belfast by a crop of talented songwriters and performers, including Jamie Neish, Aaron Boyd, Hannah McPhillimy, Katharine Philippa and Chris Wilson.

5. Dreamers and Visionaries Share Dreams and Visions

Sunday February 7, 7pm, St Nicholas's Church, Lisburn Road

The festival closes with some 'visionaries' sharing their dreams about how the community should move into the future.

Expect poetry and songs - and the winner of the schools' art competition.

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