
Can red wine help ward off prostate cancer?

Red wine appears to have some protective effect in prostate cancer
Red wine appears to have some protective effect in prostate cancer

DRINKING red wine may lower the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. A study at Harvard University in the US found that moderate red wine drinkers had a 16 per cent lower risk of developing the disease, while men already diagnosed with prostate cancer who drank red wine were 50 per cent less likely to see it progress into a deadlier form.

The study, reported in the journal Cancer Prevention And Control, was based on 47,568 cancer-free men and 5,182 men with localised prostate cancer.

Exactly why red wine appears to have a protective effect is unclear. One theory is that it is a result of antioxidants such as resveratrol, the concentration of which in red wine is tenfold that in white.

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