
Best of the bunch - Peony

Peonies look great in the garden during summer
Peonies look great in the garden during summer

THIS beautiful blousy bloom may be fairly shortlived but makes a statement in early summer in any garden, in colours ranging from deep red to baby pink, yellow and cream. Its huge flowers should be combined with plants that have many smaller flowers such as catmint or Alchemilla mollis. Peonies are easy to grow, although they do need shelter from the wind. They thrive where the early morning sunrays miss them, so that any buds that have been frosted overnight have a chance to thaw out slowly. Grow them in moisture-retentive, but well-drained and fertile soil with plenty of added organic matter. Plants will take a year or two to settle down but once they do they should keep going for years. Good varieties include Paeonia officinalis 'Rubra Plena' and the cream-coloured 'Duchesse de Nemours'.


:: Continue to tie in climbers to walls, trellis and supports

:: Sow chicory, growing roots that can be lifted and potted next winter to raise chicons

:: If you want huge rose blooms, remove any buds developing at the side of the main terminal bloom on each shoot

:: Prune large and overgrown Clematis Montana after flowering, cutting back hard to encourage new growth

:: Prune late-spring and early-summer-flowering shrubs like philadelphus, ceanothus, escallonia and weigela immediately after flowering

:: Thin apples by picking off damaged or diseased fruits

:: Pinch out the soft tips of broad bean plants to reduce the risk of attack by blackfly

:: Cut lawns at least once a week now the grass is growing vigorously

:: Top up water levels in the pond as they fall in hot weather

:: Pinch out the tips of trailing plants in hanging baskets to make them branch out, deadheading every few days