Northern Ireland

Irish language audio announcements introduced on west Belfast's Glider service

Translink's Glider service in west Belfast now features Irish language audio stop announcements alongside English. Picture by Rebecca Black
Translink's Glider service in west Belfast now features Irish language audio stop announcements alongside English. Picture by Rebecca Black

IRISH language audio announcements have been introduced on the Glider bus service route for west Belfast.

The new announcements for stops along the route were introduced today, following consultation by Translink and the Department for Infrastructure with an Irish language development agency and disability groups including the Royal National Institute of Blind People.

The audio will accompany announcements in English, and follows the introduction of Irish and English dual signage for the Glider vehicles in west Belfast last year.

Development group Forbairt Feirste have welcomed the new audio as a "welcome step in the full visibility of the Irish Language on public transport".

Stormont infrastructure minister John O'Dowd said the announcements "will be implemented on Glider services operating from Millfield to McKinstry Road and at the Colin Connect Hub."

He added: "While there is still much more to do in ensuring greater equality for the Irish language there is no doubt that this is another positive step forward."