
Holy Week reflection: Rev Dr David Bruce - Seeing the Light

C.S. Lewis was in a dark tool shed when he saw a sunbeam come through a crack above the door.

With beautiful insight he describes that while looking at the sunbeam, he was "seeing the beam, not seeing things by it".

The Easter story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest game-changer in history.

For all believers, it breaks the cycle of hopeless despair which so many are facing.

It shows that death is not the end of us, and gives ultimate meaning to our existence.

We are able to recognise the beam which has shone into the dark space of the past year, as a revelation of God.

The fact that our dark world is bathed in light, points to its source - Christ, who is the Light of the world.

I plan to enjoy a chocolate egg (or two) this Easter and I might get a short break.

But deep down, what I know I want, and most deeply need, is to see the Light clearly and worship Him. He is risen.

Rt Rev Dr David Bruce

Moderator, Presbyterian Church in Ireland