THE Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) has called off its annual August parade due to the coronvirus pandemic.
The Catholic organisation normally marks the Feast of the Assumption, which takes place on August 15.
A parade was due to take place in west Belfast on Sunday August 16 but has now been cancelled.
Antrim County Board spokesman Donald McCann said: “It was deemed necessary that the parade should be called off this year due to the pandemic."
Details came as it emerged that the AOH has been playing its part to help key medical workers.
The organisation in counties Derry and Antrim recently handed over a £1,850 cheque to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.
“All the different divisions donated in Derry and Antrim to this worthy cause and the AOH is delighted with the response and to be able to help our health care workers at this critical time,” Mr McCann said.
The AOH also made a £500 donation to help a nurse get to work after her car broke down.
The Northern Trust said: “We have been both humbled and overwhelmed by the numerous kind and generous donations and offers of support during the Covid-19 pandemic and would like to thank all those who have given of their time and energy to make a difference over the past few exceptional and challenging months.
“It is very much appreciated by all of the staff in the trust.”