LAST month was the second wettest February on record.
According to the Armagh Observatory, total precipitation for the month was 5.81 inches
The wettest day was the 23rd with 0.86 inches of precipitation.
However, there was also 83.7 hours of strong sunshine making February 2020 sunnier than average.
The sunniest day was the 27th with seven hours of strong sunshine, preceded by the second-sunniest day on the 26th with 6.5 hours
Snow was recorded as falling on five days, with sleet on a sixth and hail or ice pellets on four days.
Despite a succession of powerful Atlantic storms (Ciara, Dennis and Jorge) affecting the UK and Ireland this February, Armagh escaped relatively lightly.
There were only two days when the strength of the wind was estimated as gusting to gale force.
The warmest day of last month was the 28th when it was 12.7 celsius followed by 11.3 celsius on both the 9th and 21st.
There were 20 nights with ground frost last month while there was 83.7 hours of strong sunshine making February 2020 sunnier than average.
The total number of hours of strong sunshine recorded during winter 2019/2020 was 177.5 hours.