Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland cheapest place in UK to be cremated

Northern Ireland is the cheapest place in the UK to be cremated. According to Funeral Guide, a funeral director comparison website, it costs an average £392 to be cremated in the north compared to £822 in England, £807 in Scotland and £734 in Wales. In addition, it costs an average of £520 to be buried in Northern Ireland, compared to £1,781 in England, £1,650 in Scotland and £1,685 in Wales
Northern Ireland is the cheapest place in the UK to be cremated. According to Funeral Guide, a funeral director comparison website, it costs an average £392 to be cremated in the north compared to £822 in England, £807 in Scotland and &p Northern Ireland is the cheapest place in the UK to be cremated. According to Funeral Guide, a funeral director comparison website, it costs an average £392 to be cremated in the north compared to £822 in England, £807 in Scotland and £734 in Wales. In addition, it costs an average of £520 to be buried in Northern Ireland, compared to £1,781 in England, £1,650 in Scotland and £1,685 in Wales

NORTHERN Ireland is the cheapest place in the UK to be cremated, a new survey had found.

According to Funeral Guide, a funeral director comparison website, it costs an average £392 to be cremated in the north compared to £822 in England, £807 in Scotland and £734 in Wales.

Comparing the costs of cremation and burial at more than 2,300 cemeteries and more than 300 crematoriums across 12 different regions, Funeral Guide found that families pay an average £814 for a cremation and £1,697 for a burial.

The average cost of burial in Northern Ireland was found to be £520 compared to £1,781 in England, £1,650 in Scotland and £1,685 in Wales.

The cheapest place to be buried in the UK was Spalding in Lincolnshire, where interment in Hallgate Cemetery costs £150 while the most expensive cemetery to be buried in was found to be Highgate Cemetery in London, where it costs £21, 975 for a local resident.

Ed Gallois, CEO of Funeral Guide, said: "Nothing prepares us for the death of a loved one, until we are faced with it.

"Most of us have no experience of what needs to be done or where to go for help," he said.

"Price comparison websites have transformed the way people buy services such as insurance, energy and mortgages – helping people save money and make informed choices. By providing a platform to compare cremation and burial fees, as well as funeral directors, Funeral Guide aims to deliver the same kind of positive impact in helping the 600,000 plus families that face bereavement each year in the UK".