Northern Ireland

NIE warn of dangers of bonfires close to power lines

Bonfire builders have been warned to stay away from overhead electricity cables
Bonfire builders have been warned to stay away from overhead electricity cables Bonfire builders have been warned to stay away from overhead electricity cables

NORTHERN Ireland Electricity has warned bonfire builders to keep them away from overhead power lines.

It said in previous years "bonfires have been sited close to or even under our high voltage overhead power lines.".

"This is dangerous for everyone because smoke and heat from bonfires can cause an overhead power line to break and fall. This poses a very real risk to everyone's safety and enjoyment.

"Remember - electricity can jump gaps so you don’t need to come into direct contact with our equipment to risk electrocution."

NIE added that it is working with the local communities and elected representatives to highlight the dangers of getting too close to electricity cables.