Up and at it - what is your morning routine?
I rise early, around 6am, get a coffee, look through my social media and then plan some Insta and TikTok content to post throughout the day.
What might you eat in a typical working day for...Breakfast?
I am a 'funny' eater - I tend to snack rather than eat big meals. I'll start with a late breakfast around 10am which would likely be a protein bar.
Maybe some oats, nuts and Greek yoghurt - and another protein bar, perhaps.
Evening meal?
My favourite dinner is poached eggs on sourdough. I'm easily pleased.
Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?
Yes, I am concerned about my nutrition, especially since hitting the peri-menopause and I take great care of my gut health. I take a probiotic supplement daily and I also drink raw milk from my local dairy farm.
Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?
Oh my... I have history here - a history of a not-so-healthy relationship with dieting. I think growing up through the 80s and 90s it was difficult not to follow diets as there were so many - and so much focus on low fat. I lost a lot of weight in my 20s by restricting and counting calories and eating low-fat foods - in fact, I lost too much weight. Then, around 10 years ago, I discovered 'My Fitness Pal' and I dieted via tracking my macros - i.e. trying to hit a daily amount of calories via very specific weights of protein, fat and carbs, while visiting the gym regularly. The latter diet of macro tracking meant I was probably the healthiest I have been, but I was obsessed with hitting my numbers. Now, though, time and experience have taught me not to sweat the small stuff with my diet and weight and instead focus on my exercise and gut health which has helped me retain the size I feel comfortable with - without an unhealthy attitude.
Weekend treat?
A pizza from Pizza Girl, Ballygowan, a bottle of white Zinfandel and a Fry's Peppermint Cream – heaven.
How do you keep physically and mentally fit?
My job as a beekeeper, shop owner and cosmetic maker means I don't sit down for possibly 12 hours a day, six days a week, so that constant, continuous movement helps me keep fit. I do also love early morning HIIT classes in my local gym, but realistically I won't get back there until after the Christmas rush. Mental fitness for me comes from being able to express my creativity and I do this by making new skincare products or soaps, branding them, creating the labelling and launching them. Like everyone, I have my own struggles with mental health - mine come in the form of bipolar disorder. However, I prefer to see this as my secret weapon, rather than something to hold me back... the hypo or 'up' side of bipolar is where I get really creative... and I have learned to cope with the downsides now. My family can spot when I need a little extra support.
Best tip for everyday fitness?
Fitness should be something you enjoy - if you don't like running, then don't run. Just get active every day in whichever way makes you happy, even if it's cleaning the house.
Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?
I hated school sports. My worst memory was hockey and never understanding why it was played in the winter. We were freezing on that pitch in minus 10 degrees and just wearing a hockey skirt and T-shirt.
Teetotal or tipple?
Stairs or lift?
Stairs. I'll race you though - can't help it, sorry.
What book are you currently reading?
Wild Swans by Jung Chang. I like books about history and different cultures and this one takes a look into the Communist revolution in China – it's an awesome read.
Best Netflix?
American Horror Story.
Most surprising thing you've learned about yourself over the pandemic?
That I was good at building a business. Before Covid, I was a beekeeper who had a hobby-business via friends and family. The spare time during the pandemic allowed me to reach more people and develop my business and brand via e-commerce and social media and ultimately led me to where we are today.
Any new skills or hobbies?
I am currently working on learning how to 'queen rear' which is breeding queen honey bees from larva. It's a tad complicated, but I will get there.
How do you relax?
Relax - what's that? Even on holiday I will be working from my sun lounger...
What are your goals for 2023?
We have just opened a shop in Ballygowan - my daughter, Brooke, and me - so my goal is to make that as busy as possible.
What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?
I like to go to bed around 9pm. It's very early, but I rise early and need a good, solid eight-to-nine hours' sleep.
Biggest gripe?
I hate being 'mansplained' to - which can happen often in the beekeeping world.
Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?
As I have matured, I have learnt to 'goal set'. I am actually quite driven by achieving goals and it has worked well for me. About 10 years ago, I wouldn't have even considered having 3/5/10-year goals - I wish I had, though.
Has coronavirus changed your attitude towards your own mortality?
No, but hitting my mid-40s has. I always felt I had all the time in the world to achieve X or Y, but now I look at it more like I need to get those things ticked off as quickly as possible because you never know how long you have left. I have a morbid mind-set though, when it comes to mortality.
:: Details on Emma Thompson and Bee Haven skin and body care products can be found at beehavenbodycare.co.uk and on her TikTok channel @missbeehaven123