
Indoor exercise: Get your steps in without leaving the living room

Incidental exercise such as housework can count too
Incidental exercise such as housework can count too Incidental exercise such as housework can count too

WHILE you can’t go to the gym or play team sports, consider these tips from exercise physiologist Lindsy Kass:

:: Your weekly exercise quota – 150 minutes of moderate exercise such as brisk walking or dancing, or 75 minutes of running – can be broken up into 10-minute chunks to make it more manageable.

:: Incidental exercise counts, too, from housework to hanging out the washing. For a more vigorous workout, try skipping – if you prefer to follow an instructor, there are lots of free fitness videos on YouTube.

:: Stretching is just as important as exercise, particularly if you are working at home on a computer. Take breaks every hour, move about and perform gentle stretches, such as lifting your arms as if you are trying to touch the ceiling. Stretching your shoulders – by pulling them back and imagining you’re trying to hold a pencil between your shoulder blades for 10 seconds – will help counter that hunched-over screen position.

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