
#LG23: Retail NI launch policy priorities to help revive high streets ahead of election

Retail NI’s vice president Helen Wall launches the business body's 'Revive NI' document ahead of Thursday's elections.
Retail NI’s vice president Helen Wall launches the business body's 'Revive NI' document ahead of Thursday's elections.

THE voice of the north’s independent retailers has published a document ahead Thursday’s council elections calling for reform of the business rating system.

Retail NI urged the public to back candidates “who have the right policy priorities to regenerate our local high streets”.

The 'Revive NI' document sets out a number of policy priorities which the business group said can help create green 21st century high streets, empower local councils and “fix our broken and antiquated business rating system”.

Retail NI’s vice president Helen Wall said the proposals cover business rates relief to promote scale-up, investment in green technology and foreign direct investment in disadvantaged areas.

“We believe it is time to update our policy priorities and introduce some new ideas for our eleven councils, their 462 Councillors, our 90 MLA’s and 18 MPs,” she said.

“Retail NI want to see refocused, reinvigorated and resourced local councils that will be the change makers helping to create 21st century high streets and be key partners in making Northern Ireland the very best place in these islands to locate, start and scale up a business.

“Alongside a dynamic retail and hospitality offering we also need to ensure our villages, towns and cities become multi-functional hubs with libraries, community services, police stations, healthcare, leisure, education, open spaces, housing, and sports facilities.”

The chief executive of the retail body, Glyn Roberts, said: “This election shouldn’t be about the Windsor Framework. Voters need to consider which candidates and parties have the right policy priorities to deliver economic regeneration and revived high streets.

“For an incoming executive, we set our new proposals for additional rates relief to incentivise businesses to scale-up and create new jobs or invest in energy efficient technology.

“In addition, we are outlining proposals for an FDI rate relief scheme to encourage new companies to locate in disadvantaged areas to boost their local economies.”