Northern Ireland

Dementia NI releases new single to give hope to people newly diagnosed with the condition

Core message of The Journey is life continues after diagnosis and it is possible to live well with dementia

Dementia NI member Matin Murtagh one of the singers on The Journey.
Dementia NI member Matin Murtagh one of the singers on The Journey.

Member-led charity Dementia NI has released a new single to give hope to people newly diagnosed with the condition.

Launched to mark Dementia Action Week, the core message of The Journey is life continues after diagnosis, and with support, it is possible to live well with dementia.

The Journey was Written by Dementia NI members and local singer-songwriter Cora Kelly.

Singer - songwriter, Cora Kelly, who wrote The Journey along with members of Dementia NI.
Singer - songwriter, Cora Kelly, who wrote The Journey along with members of Dementia NI.

North Belfast man Martin Murtagh (72), one of Dementia NI singers on The Journey was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 63.

Speaking to The Irish News, Martin described joining the group as “one of the best days of my life”.

He added: “Dementia NI changed my life for the better. Now I can live well.”

Fondly recalling his childhood, Martin said: “I grew up with four brothers and five sisters. We had a great life, in the community we grew up in.

“I was always involved in football. My brothers played football too. Two of them were quite good, no George Best but quite good. I loved my younger life. They were happy days in our community.

“The wee street we lived in used to be dead long and everybody used to leave their doors open. My mother, who was Italian, used to make food and feed half the street. Every front door was open. They were absolutely fantastic times. We had a wee square, half the size of a football pitch and about 20 of us, all friends, played football there for hours,” said Martin.

Martin, who got involved with Dementia NI after his diagnosis, had high praise for singer-songwriter Cora Kelly.

“She came and spoke to our group over a few weeks. She really listened to what we had to say,” said Martin.

Dementia NI members.
Dementia NI members.

“She took onboard all of our suggestions. She used our words. The final song is fantastic The tune is very overpowering. I had a tear in my eye listening to it.

“The first verse is about your initial thoughts when you are first diagnosed, when there are a million thoughts going through your head and it moves on from there.

“You can live well with dementia. I am very open about my diagnosis. Dementia isn’t contagious. I have four brilliant sons and good friends who treat me with respect.”

The Journey can be viewed at The single is also available to download on iTunes and there is a dedicated Enthuse page for donations. All proceeds will go towards empowering local people on their journey with dementia.