
Watch this shouty pensioner lay into Tim Farron over his stance on Brexit

Malcolm Baker disrupted a Lib Dem’s campaign visit.
Malcolm Baker disrupted a Lib Dem’s campaign visit. Malcolm Baker disrupted a Lib Dem’s campaign visit.

An angry Leave voter took Tim Farron to task over his views on Brexit while the Liberal Democrats were out campaigning.

The party leader got an earful from pensioner Malcolm Baker who insisted that Leave voters “do know, we did know” what they were voting for in the EU referendum and also accused him of believing people who voted for Brexit were racist.

Farron was in the middle of a TV interview in Kidlington, near Oxford, when the 65-year-old decided he had something to get off his chest. Be warned – there’s some bad language in this clip.

People have been reacting to the video online, with some giving him a virtual pat on the back.

Though others were not in agreement – especially at the bit where he ended up calling Britain a “fantastic company”.

Some used it as an opportunity to praise Farron for his approach to Baker.

Though, as ever, not everyone saw it that way.

Baker revealed that for the first time ever, he wouldn’t be voting Labour and would instead be voting for Theresa May.