
High price for political inclusivity

IN response to Sean O'Fiach (January 7) relating to historical Anglo-Irish deals, including the recent Stormont House Agreement, I would also concur that there are a lack of prospects and meaningful opportunities for republicans.

Mr O'Fiach asks: 'Can anyone in Sinn Féin seriously argue that the price of political inclusivity was worth it?' Surely, in terms of 'towards a new republic' no republican died to ensure what Sinn Féin has achieved - basically an ineffective, devolved Crown administration. Anti-social behaviour remains a problem, areas of west Belfast are still deprived, Special Branch and covert policing is still here, Policing Boards are talking shops and the PSNI remains an ineffective policing force with limited support from nationalist/ republican communities. MI5, for instance, has primacy in covert 'national security' policing and gives 'strategic direction' to the PSNI in this area.

And equally those sacrifices and deaths should not be in vein so that some republicans become pariahs and outcasts.


Belfast BT5