
Setting record straight about pastoral conferences

AS acting chair of the Irish Bishops' council for Pastoral Renewal and Adult Faith Development (PRAFD), I was intrigued to read the 'Faith Matters' article from Sean O conaill (February 20).

Mr O conaill wrote about the 'Baldrick' approach to tackling the current challenges in the Irish catholic church which he asserts is epitomised in the calling of a pastoral conference in September 2014 in response to the March 2013 election of Pope Francis. Unfortunately for Mr O conaill's argument, the pastoral conference to which he refers is not a half-hearted little response to the energy of Pope Francis. This is one of a series of pastoral conferences which have been running since 2005. Indeed the planning for the first of our conferences began while Blessed Pope John Paul II was in office. The forthcoming sixth conference was being planned while Pope Emeritus Benedict was on the chair of Peter.

And what is the purpose of these popular and well-attended events?

They are organised by PRAFD, primarily for the many - mostly lay - pastoral workers who are active in our parishes and dioceses around the country. This series of conferences is anything but a top-down imposition on laity, who as suggested, have been trained to be entirely passive and compliant. The theme for this year is 'Growing in faith together as local church community' and, as usual, I expect the venue to be packed over the three days which will, no doubt, be characterised by great input, sharing and lively discussion. And of course Mr O conaill is welcome to attend.

I am happy to take criticism from anyone at any time. But this particular article has completely misunderstood what is planned for September 25 to 27 next. However, I am glad to have this opportunity to set the record straight.


Chair of the Irish Bishops' Council for Pastoral Renewal and Adult Faith

Development (PRAFD)