
US displays double standards

Barack Obama is currently trying to draw support from congress for US intervention in the Syrian crisis. The reason for this desire for military action is due to the possible use of chemical weapons by assad on his own people. However, I find it nauseating when one looks at the history of the only country in the world to have ever used a nuclear bomb. as far back as the 1860s cholera-infected blankets were distributed to native american tribes by the US government leading to widespread deaths. In 1900, US army doctors in the Philippines infected prisoners with a variety of plague. The US army deployed mustard gas against anti-US protests in Puerto rico in the 1920s and the Philippines in the 1930s. In 1942, US army and Navy doctors infected 400 prisoners in chicago with malaria to find a treatment for the disease. In 1945 the US killed at least 90 thousand people in Hiroshima and a further 60 thousand in Nagasaki. The US Navy in 1950 sprayed large quantities of serratia marcescens, a bacterial agent over San Francisco causing pneumonia and the death of one man. From 1966 to 1972, the US dumped more than 12 million gallons of agent Orange over 4.5 million acres of South Vietnam, Laos and cambodia. The civilian casualties were more than half a million and to this day there are still instances of birth defects. In 1996, US Department of Defence admitted that more than 200 thousand US troops were exposed to sarin nerve gas as a result of actions in the first Gulf War. There are many more examples of US involvemnt in bio-weapons but they would take up to much space. as is often the case for the current and previous US administrations it is a case of "do as I say not do as I do".

Please God, the world will not give in to the demands of Obama as he tries to deploy the double standards of the USa for yet another time in the chronology of the world.