
Holy Week reflection: Receive the new start of Easter

PETER was a man of impulse but to hear, from the Master himself, that he would deny Jesus seemed ridiculous.

But when he is tried by the authorities, Peter does indeed deny knowing Jesus.

Peter was broken, yet what lay ahead for Jesus was brutal; the nails in his hands and feet; the crown of thorns.

The testimony of followers of Jesus such as Peter is that Christ died for us on a cross, paying the penalty of our sin and rebellion as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for us.

That's the message of 'Good' Friday - but it isn't a finished story.

On Easter morning, Peter hears the witness of the women that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive.

That evening the disciples, including Peter, encounter the risen Jesus and receive his peace.

It was a new start for Peter. We too can know that restoration as we encounter the risen Jesus and experience his hope and peace - even when we have failed the Master.

The Venerable Paul Dundas

Archdeacon of Dalriada