
Rule 22 should be changed to Catch-22

HAS any other country in the western world got such a draconian rule as rule 22 on its statute book as used in the case of martin corey?

Has any other country got laws that can be used to arrest a man, hold him in prison for four years without having to give any reason for his incarceration and when he is released refuse to allow him to go back to his home? the released prisoner is not allowed to talk to the press, or indeed is his legal team. What has happened to him must remain a secret. if he breaks the rule he can immediately be sent back to prison.

Perhaps rule 22 should be changed to catch-22. It states: "catch-22s often result from rules, regulations, or procedures that an individual is subject to but has no control over. One connotation of the term is that the creators of the 'catch-22' have created arbitrary rules in order to justify and conceal their own abuse of power."

Tony Carroll

Newry, Co Down