
Video: Pope meets baby pope on US tour

Baby Quinn Madded met Pope Francis in Philadelphia. Picture: Youtube
Baby Quinn Madded met Pope Francis in Philadelphia. Picture: Youtube Baby Quinn Madded met Pope Francis in Philadelphia. Picture: Youtube

Pope Francis was surprised during his visit to Philadelphia when he came face-to-face with a baby dressed exactly like him.

The pontiff was parading through the streets on his Popemobile when four-month-old Quinn Franklin caught his eye.

Quinn was in the crowd watching the papal parade with father Ben and mother Dana when Francis spotted the child who was decked out in papal robes and a mitre.

The baby was handed to a member of the Pope's security team. Francis kissed the child then whispered a message to his security guard.

As Quinn was handed back to her parents, the pope's guard relayed the message.

"He said to tell us that we have a great sense of humor," Mr Madden said.

Mrs Madden later posted video of her daughter's encounter with the Pontiff on Facebook.

She wrote: 'Can't believe Quinn met the Pope. Truly an amazing experience! We love you Pope Francis!'