
This artificially intelligent website thinks it knows your celebrity lookalike

Clarifai uses machine learning and a database of more than 10,000 photos to identify your lookalike.
Clarifai uses machine learning and a database of more than 10,000 photos to identify your lookalike. Clarifai uses machine learning and a database of more than 10,000 photos to identify your lookalike.

Finding out your celebrity lookalike (such as Brian Blessed) is a weird obsession for many of us – and now an artificial intelligence-powered website thinks it can accurately tell you who your lookalike is.

Developed by Clarifai, the website has a range of image recognition software tools available, but has added another called Celebrity, which uses a database of more than 10,000 celebrity images and machine learning to compare photos you upload to find your doppelganger.


On a base level, the software is actually looking to determine whether or not an image contains the face of a celebrity in its database, and gives a level of probability based on its algorithms.

But as Clarifai say themselves in their notes on the Celebrity model it is “great for anyone building an app that relies on celebrity comparisons”, and as a result lookalikes.


Results from our own tests were mixed – the suggested lookalike for the picture above was Borat and Ali G star Sasha Baron Cohen – but you can try out Clarifai Celebrity for yourself here.