
This chart shows the exact moment YouTube went down

YouTube’s loss was Vimeo’s gain.
YouTube’s loss was Vimeo’s gain. YouTube’s loss was Vimeo’s gain.

When one of the biggest sites on the internet goes down, people have to scramble to find an alternative.

And that’s what happened when YouTube went offline for more than an hour overnight.

Google searches for "Vimeo" and "Dailymotion" today allow you to see the exact moment Youtube servers went offline [OC] from dataisbeautiful

A chart of Google Trends posted to Reddit showed clearly how searches for Vimeo and Dailymotion, two other video sites, rose sharply immediately after YouTube went dark.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, people were imagining what was going on behind the scenes.

YouTube eventually tweeted at 2.41am BST on Wednesday that everything was back up and running.