
Apparently Sean Spicer hid among some bushes to avoid questions from the press

It truly is a gift from the comedy gods.
It truly is a gift from the comedy gods. It truly is a gift from the comedy gods.

Press secretary Sean Spicer seems to have come up with a slightly unusual way of avoiding unwelcome questions from the press: by hiding among some bushes in the White House garden.

According to The Washington Post, the incident apparently went down on Tuesday night. Spicer can’t exactly be blamed, because this means that he was trying to avoid the fall-out from Donald Trump’s sudden firing of FBI director James Comey.

This tidbit of information was enough to make people forget the news of Comey’s sudden departure (at least, for a while). For many, all they could think of was one particularly iconic gif.

This soon escalated into some shoddy, yet entirely appropriate, photoshop.

Maybe David Attenborough will narrate the tale of Spicer and the bush?

Many people couldn’t help but think that hiding from the press wasn’t really the best option for Spicer. He is still the press secretary, so he’s going to have to answer their questions at some point.

Some started to reconsider what the Washington Post mean by “bush”.

It’s got some people thinking: what will Spicer’s next official press conference look like?

Chances are they probably won’t look anything like that, but the image of Spicer in a bush will live on in comedy forever.