
This guy's attempt to fool people that he's in bed is scarily believable and now we trust no-one

This guy's attempt to fool people that he's in bed is scarily believable and now we trust no-one
This guy's attempt to fool people that he's in bed is scarily believable and now we trust no-one This guy's attempt to fool people that he's in bed is scarily believable and now we trust no-one

Ever received a Snapchat from your significant other saying that they can’t see you because they’re ill in bed, or too tired, or have work early tomorrow?

And you want to question them, but hey, they’ve taken a photo of themselves in bed so it must be true, right?

Well, we would have agreed – until we witnessed Twitter user James’s elaborate ruse, which he decided to share with the world.

Yep, he and his friends legit appear to have gone to serious extremes to get this snap of him which, we admit, is pretty believable.It’s got other people on Twitter questioning everything they thought they knew.

He’s not given himself a particularly good rep, it has to be said…

But it’s not just James up to this sort of trickery… check out these two people and their pretending-to-be-asleep pics.

Who knows if the girl James apparently sent the snap to believed he was snoozing… but we enjoyed the effort he put into it, anyway.