
Home fitness: Three key moves you can do in your living room with a kettlebell

Doing a goblet squat with a kettlebell
Doing a goblet squat with a kettlebell Doing a goblet squat with a kettlebell

1. Goblet squat: Hold a kettlebell at chest height, with your core tight, chest up. Position your heels on two books that are the same height and initiate the movement by breaking at the hips first, allowing your hips to travel backwards towards the wall behind you.

Next, break at the knee allowing for the legs to bend. Once in the bottom position, hold for a second, then push through your heels to start the concentric portion of the exercise. Keep the knees pushed out and prevent them from caving inwards. At the top of the movement, stop just before locking the knees. Do 10 reps.

2. Single-arm floor press: From a seated position, take a grip of a single kettlebell and position it so it’s on the top of the wrist, palms facing away. Start with your arm locked out. Lie back on the floor and straighten out your legs, arching your lower back slightly. Slowly lower the kettlebell, keeping your elbows to the side and lower until your upper arm touches the floor. Make sure your chest is up, your wrists are straight and your shoulder blades are pressed into the floor. After a brief pause in the bottom position, press the kettlebell back to the start position. Hold the contraction at the top for a second before repeating for 10 reps.

3. Three-point row: Support your non-working arm on a bench or chair and create a staggered stance to provide stability, with your non-working foot forward. While holding a kettlebell, position your body so that it is parallel to the ground, keeping the chest up and spine neutral. From the bottom of the rep, row the arm back as far as you can until you reach your end range of motion. Think about dragging the elbow back tight to the body rather, than yanking the weight up. Hold for at least one second, then return to the start position under control. Move through 10 rounds.