
How to wear tulle without looking like a ballerina

Tulle gets tough this season. Katie Wright reveals the looks to try now.

Glamorous Blue Mesh Ruffle Detail Blouse, available from
Glamorous Blue Mesh Ruffle Detail Blouse, available from Glamorous Blue Mesh Ruffle Detail Blouse, available from

ONCE the preserve of occasionwear departments and ballet recitals, tulle has shaken off its prissy connotations in recent years - and we've got one designer to thank.

London Fashion Week favourite Molly Goddard has made the gauzy fabric her calling card, crating oversized dresses that have been a hit with fashionable young things.

Naturally, in the wake of Molly mania, we've seen an influx of the diaphanous fabric on the high street, and not just voluminous frocks either.

With styling options including denim and Doc Martins, even tomboys will want to get on board with this textile trend. Here's how to wear tulle now...

Tulle babydoll dresses

Temper the frou-frou feel of a babydoll dress by layering it over a white or grey marl T-shirt dress – the more distressed the better – and pairing with chunky boots (yes, even in summer).

Glamorous Pink Sheer Mesh Midi Dress, £20; Mid Blue Wash Frayed Hem Jeans, £10, reduced from £30 (top and shoes, stylist's own)

New Look Black Stud Floral Embroidered Mesh Dress, £44.99

Glamorous Pink Sheer Mesh Midi Dress and Mid Blue Wash Frayed Hem Jeans, available from
Glamorous Pink Sheer Mesh Midi Dress and Mid Blue Wash Frayed Hem Jeans, available from Glamorous Pink Sheer Mesh Midi Dress and Mid Blue Wash Frayed Hem Jeans, available from

Tulle skirts

Toughen up a tutu-inspired skirt by teaming it with a vintage band tee and a biker jacket, or layer a sheer skirt over jeans (Topshop have a hybrid pair that marries the two for you). Forgo this season's ankle tie ballet shoes in favour of chunky velvet platforms, in a punchy hue like fuchsia or violet.

Monsoon Flora Tulle Skirt, £59

Little Mistress Pink Scatter Pearl Tulle Skirt, £55, Dorothy Perkins

Topshop Moto Tulle Skirt Jamie Jeans, £24, reduced from £46

Monsoon Flora Tulle Skirt, available from
Monsoon Flora Tulle Skirt, available from Monsoon Flora Tulle Skirt, available from

Princess dresses

Got a tulle prom dress lurking in your wardrobe that you wore to a wedding once? Give it a new lease of life by adding black lace-up booties and a bold red lip (think 90s Courtney Love and you're halfway there).

ASOS Petite Pretty Embellished Tulle Mini Dress, £65

Little Mistress Applique Prom Dress, £48, reduced from £60, SimplyBe

V by Very Petite Sequin Tulle Maxi Dress, £42.50, reduced from £85

Tulle tops

Did you know 'going out tops' are a thing again? Embrace the Nineties trend by pairing a pastel tulle cami or blouse with faded (and preferably frayed) jeans. Finish with kitten heels for the ultimate Nineties homage.

Topshop Tulle Dip Hem Top, £12, reduced from £25

Miss Selfridge Pink Mesh and Tulle Top, £12, reduced from £25

Glamorous Blue Mesh Ruffle Detail Blouse, £19 (trousers, stylist's own)

Pink Mesh and Tulle Top, available from
Pink Mesh and Tulle Top, available from Pink Mesh and Tulle Top, available from