
Things to do this week


As camellias finish flowering, propagate them by taking leaf bud cuttings

2 Lift and divide congested clumps of snowdrops while still in leaf, tease them apart and replant them at a wider spacing

3 Finish planting out shallots in well-drained soil in a sunny site

4 Protect new shoots and developing foliage of tender shrubs by keeping horticultural fleece handy to cover them with when frost threatens

5 Plant new crowns of seakale and keep potted peach and nectarine trees in a cold greenhouse until early summer to protect flowers from frost

6 Lift and divide marginal plants, replanting in smaller groups

7 In the greenhouse, don't overwater seedlings and remove propagator lids

to improve ventilation when seeds have germinated

8 Improve surface drainage of the lawn by hollow spiking it

9 Start slug patrols after rain or in the evening and pick off any you find on your plants, disposing of them